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With the help of Allah, Masjid Ezzeitouna will be using all three floors for Juma Salah from Friday 20th of December 2024.
There will be 2 prayers only.
1st Juma 12.15pm
2nd Juma 1:00pm

بعون الله تعالى، سيتم استخدام جميع طوابق مسجد الزيتونة الثلاثة لصلاة جمعة صلاح اعتبارًا من يوم الجمعة 20 ديسمبر 2024. سيكون هناك صلاتان فقط.
أول جمعة الساعة 12.15 ظهراً
الجمعة الثانية الساعة 1:00 ظهراً

Allah is the light of the Heavens & the Earth.
The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass,
the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of]
a blessed Olive Tree
neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people,
and Allah is Knowing of all things.
( Qur'an 24:35 )

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